End time tribulation

ISHIMWE Henriette
2 min readJul 13, 2021

In Luke 21 Jesus preaches a sermon about the End of the World. The end of the world is easier to comprehend when we can compare it to the world around us. That is what Jesus does. He points to things they knew and said amplify that, multiply that-exponentially, then you will understand what is coming. Basically Jesus describes a Global Final Holocaust-not merely of Jews and Christians-but of humans!

Within that message is what amounts to a survival guide to believers who have to exist during the Final Holocaust.

When you hear terms such as tribulation, Antichrist, the mark of the beast, the rapture and the Second Coming, do you wonder what the sequence of events will be? Do you wonder and maybe worry about what you and your loved ones could be here to experience?

Jesus is coming again, and it could well be in this lifetime. God chose to reveal the information of Christ’s return throughout the entirety of His word — not just one convenient location. In the Hancock’s new book, “The Return,” they invite readers to join them on this journey through the Old Testament and the New Testament, as well as Revelation to examine layers of information and simultaneous events; to see how the Scriptures comment on and relate to one another. What took The Hancock’s almost three decades to write, readers can do in one workbook.

“As believers, we should know these things,” says Dale. “We must not be lulled into complacency as they were in the days of Noah, going on with their lives without regard for that boat in the middle of the desert or those animals that finally came to it, two by two. Jesus Himself tells us to watch and not be caught off guard.”

“The Return” is an ideal interactive workbook to study these things. It is uniquely suited to large or small group Bible studies, and couples or families studying at home together. Even a non-believer who is curious or fearful about the end of the world would benefit.

“Be prepared,” Cathy says. “This study of God’s word can change your life. Seeing His sovereignty in the difficult days ahead, how He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, can help you to live in His peace that surpasses understanding…more victoriously than ever before.”

